Fatty Liver Disease is one of the most common liver diseases in cats, mostly seen in older, obese cats.
If your cat stops eating for a few days, its body will need to break down fat very quickly to keep nutrient levels balanced. This overwhelms the liver, causing fat to build up there. Eventually, the liver stops working properly. As the disease progresses, it may result in fatal liver failure.
Anorexia is the main cause of fatty liver disease. If your cat was overweight before the anorexia, it has a greater chance of developing fatty liver disease.
There are other conditions that cause a loss of appetite, which can result in fatty liver disease:
Intestinal disease
Social problems (for example: a new cat or home)
Your cat will lose its appetite for a few days in a row. As the disease progresses, you may notice:
Weight loss
Vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration
Jaundice: yellowed eyes or skin
If you see any of these signs, go to the veterinarian immediately. The disease is fatal if not treated quickly and aggressively.
In order to properly diagnose your cat with fatty liver disease, your veterinarian may perform the following:
Blood tests
Liver biopsy (by surgery or needle): to check for excess fat
Other tests may be performed to determine why your cat stopped eating
Immediate treatment to stabilize your cat may include:
IV fluids
Antibiotics and vitamins
Blood transfusions
The main treatment is dietary therapy until your cat’s normal appetite returns (usually 6 to 7 weeks). The liver will then continue its regular functioning, and remove the excess fat on its own.
A feeding tube inserted surgically into the cat’s stomach
Feed it a high protein, high calorie diet with a syringe
Every so often, try to give your cat some food by mouth so you will know when its appetite returns
After your cat eats normally for 3 to 4 days, bring it back to your veterinarian to remove the tube
The actual cause of the disorder is unknown, but obesity and anorexiaare known to be associated with the onset of the disease. Prevent obesity by not overfeeding your cat.
Also try to avoid stressful situations that may cause a cat to suddenly stop eating. These include a new pet or family member in the home, or suddenly changing your cat’s diet.
There is a great chance for full recovery if you catch the disease in its early stages and give proper, aggressive treatment. If there is an underlying medical issue causing fatty liver disease, it is important to address that as well.